I wanted to tell them to help or get the hell away from me. I hadn't had my coffee yet. They were lucky I wasn't lethal.
I have been cranky but then today I remembered that for a while I lived in what felt like the coldest place on Earth. In Russia, we walked around in snow, on unsalted, ice-covered cobblestone streets in below freezing temperatures - every. single. day. And we didn't think anything of it. It just was the way it was.
So today as I walked up the five measly steps outside my office building muttering, "Balls! It is cold," my favorite unladylike expression as of late, I remembered this image and said -
"You Pansy Americanski!"
If it's okay for women to say, "BALLS!" then what is the male exclamatory equivalent?
it's a double standard. we're not allowed to say anything. trust me.
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